Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Five

  1. Virtual 12athon Challenge - I found another challenge that I really wish I had seen sooner. It's a year-long challenge to run 12 miles on the 12th of each month, with a slew of hilarious bonus challenges. The next one falls on the day of my 4th marathon, so I'll be participating then. By the way, I added links to all these challenges to the sidebar for easy reference :)
  2. Sleep - I finally caught up on sleep last night. I went to bed before 9 pm and slept in until 6 am for a glorious 9+ hours of sleep. I woke up briefly at 4 or 5 and almost considered getting up to do yoga, but I knew my body would appreciate the extra sleep more.
  3. Breakfast - Since we had a groupon for breakfast at 5 and Diner, and we drove to work this morning, we skipped breakfast at home and went there before work. I had an egg and half a grilled cheese and fries for breakfast lol I had to resist the urge to add a milkshake to my order.
  4. Aches - My back has been achy all day, so I repeated my hourly stretch break today. It felt fine whenever I was not seating, so I had to take a few walk breaks throughout the day too. I think I need to get a new desk chair for work. My hand/wrist is also still bothering and I really cannot figure out what I did to it. Could this be carpel tunnel? The bone at the base feels bruised and looks like the area around it is slightly swollen.
  5. Saturday Run - Tomorrow is my last long run before the Ocala Marathon, but since we're running less than 10 miles I get to sleep in! We're starting at 7 am, and I'm so glad because it will barely be above 40ยบ before we finish our run. So glad I got that Tough Girl Skirt :)
PS - I really want to find a title for these that keeps the alliteration. Anyone know a word that starts with the letter F that means something similar to ramblings or musings, etc?

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