Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Taper Madness

One week into taper, and the madness is starting to creep in. I'm not afraid of the distance. I know I'm more than ready to cover the distance, but having a time goal increases my anxiety. (For contrast, read what I wrote during taper for my 1st marathon.) I know I've trained for this, but since I respect the distance I know that anything can happen during 26.2 miles. I'm actually more nervous of not making it to the start line, so I feel like I'm walking on egg shells these next 3 weeks.
  • I've been doing yoga religiously and stretching/icing as needed immediately after every run. In fact, this week I plan to take a later bus to work if needed just so I have time for a post-run stretch. And I've been doing yoga on the bus and bus stop more than usual.
  • I'm terrified of getting hurt doing something stupid before this marathon that I refuse to even get on a bike for fear of slipping on a pile of leaves (yes it has happened) and breaking my knee.
  • I ask Jason, at least once a day, "is it race day yet?" :)
  • I'm insane jealous of everyone who ran a marathon this weekend and I'm anxious for it to be my turn.
  • I keep freaking out that I haven't done enough speed work (I skipped a few due to mild injury or recovery or taper) but I'm also afraid of overdoing it so close to race day so I play it safe.
  • I constantly worry that a sub-5 hour marathon is too ambitious, so I redo the math to confirm it is indeed conservative and I could push harder if I wanted. I probably look at my pace chart at least once a day.
  • I think about, and try to discuss with Jason daily, what I should wear on race day (this goes double for this weekend's race too!). It's important! I have to look cute AND be comfortable for 5 hours. =P
  • I keep debating whether I should carry my phone during the marathon. Even though I'll have my dad's Garmin to help pace me, I'd love to have my splits posted to Facebook periodically and be able to hear/read your encouragement while on the course. But I really do not want to run with my fuel belt and carrying it on my skirt would drive me crazy. Arg!
  • I really should stop reading NYC marathon race reports because, while very inspiring, most are about how challenging the race was and it makes me start thinking about worse case scenarios for my own race. 
I am sure there is more, but that is all that comes to mind right now. All I can really do at this point is take a deep breath (hence all the yoga) and trust in my training. I KNOW I can do this, and if I don't meet my goal is not the end of the world; it will be due to reasons beyond my control (and I hate when I'm not in control), but I'll be happy as long as I do my very best.

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