Saturday, November 5, 2011

Busy Day

It's been a very busy and productive day. It started at 5 am and just now at 7 pm am I getting around to writing about it.

I got to sleep in for a Saturday and ran with my group at 6 am. Yes, that is sleeping in for us :) It was pretty cold for us Floridians, around 55ยบ, so I had to break out the arm warmers and wind breaker, but I still wore a running skirt. I shed the jacket within the first 2 miles, but never the arm warmers. The temps felt awesome once I warmed up and I was shocked to see we ran 8 miles at my target marathon race pace (11:15) without really trying. We even threw in some hills at the end. It was a solid run with great company and it felt great!

I paired the skirt with Saucony Elite compression knee high socks because I wanted to test them out during a run (instead of for recovery). I read some reviews that they were not tight enough to stay up, but they didn't budge for me. I was more concern that they were too thin and my feet would slide around my shoes, but that was not a problem either. I love these socks because they keep my legs warm without making my feet hot, and they feel wonderful with just the right amount of compression. I think I'll wear them during the marathon since it will be a bit cold at the start and they make my legs and feet feel awesome.

I forgot to eat anything during the 8 miles, so was starving at the end. As soon as I got in my car I devoured a banana and half a luna bar. After a quick stop at Target, I took the time to do almost 20 minutes of yoga to make sure I'd recover well from this run since I pushed harder than I intended and I have a race in a week. I finished refueling after a warm shower with some eggs, then began to tackle the laundry. It was a marathon laundry session today, including sheets, bedding, towels and a ton of running gear. (Laundry tip: to help your clothes dry faster on a lower setting throw a dry clean towel in the dryer. It soaks up the moisture from the wet clothes. I'm always amazed at how well this works, specially when drying other towels or bedding that always seem to come out damp otherwise.)

I spent the morning between loads of laundry tracking my running group as they ran the Savannah Rock n Roll half and full marathons. Everyone did a great job! I also got to play along from home with others who were doing the Urban Dare this year. It was fun to look up the clues for them, and they seemed to have a great time.

My sister and her kids went to Lake Eola for the Fiesta in the Park and stopped by after while I was making dinner (Quiche!). The kids are getting so big! I love that they both love lego and she recognizes them right away (I have some on my fridge) though she still refers to them as blocks. Bella eventually stop begin shy and asked to play with them, but I think her dad had more fun building a taser lol It was a fun afternoon and the perfect end to a great day. We ended the evening with Quiche, Mythbusters, and homemade ice cream. Tomorrow will be another lazy day as I track others from my group at the New York City Marathon.

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